Forum on Urban Developments, Construction & Energy

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Forum on Urban Developments, Construction & Energy

Urban Developments, Energy & Cooling Systems

Urban Developments, Energy & Cooling Systems

Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Conference

The "Urban Developments & Construction (New) Energy Forum" focuses on the basic concept of "Green Cities" and the challenges of strategic planning with regard to the future challenges facing modern cities and regions. The speakers from internationally and well-known companies, including offices and international networks provide examples of "eco-projects" in China and Vietnam in consideration and examples of possible realizations of modern planning and development for dynamic regions. New energy and new technologies issues are of great interest since the climate change challenges. "Energy," "energy efficiency" and "new technologies" will be presented by state of the art companies of the German the New Energy Industry: Heating without coal, gas or oil or energy-efficient cooling systems are illustrated and recommended for global use. Not for the Asia-Pacific region only. Download speaker`s list.

Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Energie

Das "Urban Developments, Construction & (New) Energy Forum" widmet sich dem Grundkonzept "Grüner Städte" und den Herausforderungen strategischer Planung mit Rücksicht auf die Zukunftsfragen moderner Städte und Regionen. Die Referenten aus international aktiven und bekannten Unternehmen, Büros und Netzwerken stellen u.a. anhand der real konzipierten "Eco-Projekte" in China und Vietnam Beispiele möglicher Planungen und Realisierungen moderner Entwicklungsansätze vor. Den für die Wachstumsregionen wichtigen Themen "Energie", "Energieeffizienz" und "neue Technologien" widmen sich Unternehmen der New-Energie-Branche: Heizen ohne Kohle, Gas oder Öl oder energieeffiziente Kühlsysteme werden anschaulich dargestellt und empfehlen sich für den weltweiten Einsatz. Nicht nur in der Asien-Pazifik-Region.

Hinweis/Notice: Am 13.September 2011 können Sie die Delegationen aus Asien auf den Länderwirtschaftstagen im Berliner Rathaus treffen: Vietnam, Thailand, China, Mongolei und Indien. Green Cities - Green Industries



Prof. Dr. Andreas Timmermann

Prof. Dr. Andreas Timmermann

Member of the Board of Berlin-Brandenburg Aerospace Association

Prof. Dr. Andreas Timmermann is Member of Board of Berlin-Brandenburg Aerospace Association and Chairman of the Werner von Braun Association since he left Brandenburg`s Ministry of Economics where he was the Head of the Department of International Markets for years. Prof. Timmermann is one of Germany`s top specialists on technology transfer, invention and strategy.

H.E. Stephen Wong

Director Stephen Wong Hong Kong

Director Stephen Wong Hong Kong

Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office, Berlin, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Opening Address by H.E. the Director of
Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office, Berlin,
Stephen Wong
The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Jaegerstrasse 33, 10117 Berlin.

Tel: +49 (0)30 22 66 77 22 8
Direct: +49 (0) 30 22 66 77 22 4
Fax: +49 (0) 30 22 66 77 28 8

Projects & Developments

Draft, Project, Green City

Draft, Project, Green City


Sie haben Interesse, Ihr Unternehmen oder Ihre Technologien in der Asien-Pazifik-Region zu präsentieren und an einem "Green Tech Forum z.B. in Ulaan Baatar teilzunehmen ? Senden Sie uns eine mail mit Ihren Interessen:

Urban Development

German Energy Center & College

Das in Paderborn "geborene" Projekt des "German Energy Center & College" ist inzwischen eine Erfolgsstory.

German Energy Agency

DENA - German Energy Agency

DENA at Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Conference. Nicole Pillen presents China study on new energy standards.

Peter Ruge, Architekten Berlin

Ruge Architects

Ruge Architects Berlin are international architects operating in and from Berlin. A special focus of the projects is Asia.


Far Eastern Beratungs- und Handels GmbH

Far Eastern Beratungs GmbH

The Far Eastern Beratungs- and Handelsgesellschaft mbH belongs to the top German consulting units operating in China and Asia. One of the projects is the development of the "Eco-Park-Qingdao"

von Gerkan, Marg & Partner

Von Gerkan, Marg & Partner or better known as "gmp" are participants and speakers of the German-Chinese Construction Forum and one of the leading German architects association.


GeoclimaDesign is the German answer for new energy & energy efficiency technologies based on high tech


Bayer Material Science , China

Bayer Material Science China

Dr. Michael Voigt of Bayer Material Science China will introduce Bayer`s world wide stat of the art know how in building materials, know and technology.

Future Cooling Solutions

Future Cooling Solutions

"Future Cooling Solutions" is an innovative project of Rostock`s University to reduce energy in cooling systems in both, private and industrial use. A privite limited company is entitled to introduce the technology in the markets.

Palmetto Clean Tech

Palmetto Clean Technologies GmbH is a Berlin based high tech water company.

Milde & Möser Architects

Milde & Möser Archtects is a German firm of architects based in Pirna/Germany with project experience in Asia. Vietnams national heritage is subject of the presentation at the "Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Conference".

Urban Developments

German Energy Center & College

Das in Paderborn "geborene" Projekt des "German Energy Center & College" ist inzwischen eine Erfolgsstory.

German Energy Agency

DENA - German Energy Agency

DENA at Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Conference. Nicole Pillen presents China study on new energy standards.

Peter Ruge, Architekten Berlin

Ruge Architects

Ruge Architects Berlin are international architects operating in and from Berlin. A special focus of the projects is Asia.


Far Eastern Beratungs- und Handels GmbH

Far Eastern Beratungs GmbH

The Far Eastern Beratungs- and Handelsgesellschaft mbH belongs to the top German consulting units operating in China and Asia. One of the projects is the development of the "Eco-Park-Qingdao"

von Gerkan, Marg & Partner

Von Gerkan, Marg & Partner or better known as "gmp" are participants and speakers of the German-Chinese Construction Forum and one of the leading German architects association.


GeoclimaDesign is the German answer for new energy & energy efficiency technologies based on high tech

New Tech

Bayer Material Science , China

Bayer Material Science China

Dr. Michael Voigt of Bayer Material Science China will introduce Bayer`s world wide stat of the art know how in building materials, know and technology.

Future Cooling Solutions

Future Cooling Solutions

"Future Cooling Solutions" is an innovative project of Rostock`s University to reduce energy in cooling systems in both, private and industrial use. A privite limited company is entitled to introduce the technology in the markets.

Milde & Möser Architects

Milde & Möser Archtects is a German firm of architects based in Pirna/Germany with project experience in Asia. Vietnams national heritage is subject of the presentation at the "Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Conference".

Palmetto Clean Tech

Palmetto Clean Technologies GmbH is a Berlin based high tech water company.


The speaker of the Urban Developments, Construction & Energy Forum Berlin 2011 at Green Cities-Green Industries-The Berlin Conference

Opening Ceremony 2011

Berlin City Hall

German Global Trade Forum Berlin

German Global Trade Forum Berlin

German Global Trade Forum Berlin

Veolia Wasser GmbH

Veolia Wasser GmbH

Veolia Wasser GmbH

Green Cities-Green Industries - The B erlin Conference

Graf von Westphalen

Trempel & Associates



Trempel & Associates Law and Tax Firm Berlin

German Energy Center & College

German Energy Center & College

German Energy Center & College


HTA of Thailand

Fraunhofer IPK

IPK Fraunhofer Institut Berlin

IPK Fraunhofer Institut Berlin

Green Cities-Green Industries-The Berlin Conference

von Gerkan, Mark & Partner

Far Eastern Beratungs- und Handelsgesellschaft

Far Eastern Beratungs- und Handels GmbH

Far Eastern Beratungs- und Handels GmbH

Moeser & Coll.


German Energy Agency

German Energy Agency

Remondis International GmbH

REMONDIS International GmbH

REMONDIS International GmbH

Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Conference

Faun Group







GeoClimaDesign AG