Future Cooling Solutions

Future Cooling Solutions

Future Cooling Solutions

In the context of industrial manufacturing processes as well as various other procedures often very high temperatures are needed. The resulting waste heat must be exhausted in some form, which regularly takes place via delivery to the surrounding without further use of the inherent energy.

Beyond that often a cooling is within defined manufacturing process steps, necessary from plants, components or closed area etc. Furthermore, there is often demand for cooling within defined manufacturing processes, plants, components or enclosed areas etc.

In the context of operating own power stations, likewise high temperature waste heat emerges, with the need for exhaustion.

The adsorption process presented here uses the developing waste heat and makes the following functions available:

Transformation of the waste heat energy in cold or heat at the same time or another as well as at the same place or another Storage of the waste heat energy Supply of cold e.g. for the cooling of plants, components, tools, buildings etc. _ Supply of useable heat e.g. for the heating, warm water preparation or preliminary heating of media in the context of the manufacturing

It creates further a basis for the pipeline-independent distribution of cold and warmth.

Dr. Tetyana Vasyltsova

Dr. Tetyana Vasyltsova

Dr. Tetyana Vasyltsova

Future Cooling Solution

Dr.-Ing. Tetyana Vasyltsova

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
Geboren 1970 in Nikolajev, Ukraine 1987 Abitur 1987-1992 Grund- und Hauptstudium, Staatliche Akademie für Kältetechnik Odessa, Thermophysik 1992-1995 Promotionsstudium, Staatliche Akademie für Kältetechnik Odessa 1999-2005 wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Assistentin, Dozentin, Staatliche Akademie für Kältetechnik, Odessa seit 2005 wiss. Mitarbeiterin, Universität Rostock; Speaker-Profile: download here.Forschungsthemen

Entwicklung hochpräziser ab initio Potentiale für molekulare Simulationen thermodynamischer Eigenschaften ingenieurrelevanter Flüssigkeiten.

Zur Bestimmung der thermodynamischen Eigenschaften in Bereichen hoher Dichten und Temperaturen oder bei der Untersuchung der Stoffdaten von giftigen, explosiven oderkorrosiven Stoffen mit Hilfe molekularer Simulationen werden zur Beschreibung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Atomen bzw. Molekülen effektive Paarpotentiale verwendet. Die Güte solcherPotentiale ist stark vom Modell und von der Qualität der für die Anpassung der Potentialparameter verwendeten experimentellen Daten abhängig; ihre Extrapolationsfähigkeiten auf extreme Zustandsbereiche sind kritisch zu bewerten. Die Anwendung quantenchemischer Rechenverfahren ermöglicht einen alternativen Ansatz, wobei Wechselwirkungsenergien ohne Nutzung von experimentellen Daten, d.h. ab initio, berechnet werden können. Die daraus gewonnenen hochpräzisen Potentialfunktionen ermöglichen, die thermodynamischen Eigenschaften mit hoher Genauigkeit und in einem breiten Temperaturbereich zu berechnen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeitergeben sich folgende Schwerpunkte:Entwicklung hochgenauer Paarpotentialfunktionen für die Beschreibung der Paarwechselwirkungen auf Basis quantenchemischen ab initio Verfahren Berücksichtigung der Mehrkörperwechselwirkungen in Form von nichtadditiven Potentialbeiträgen Berechnung des zweiten bis siebten Virialkoeffizienten für die Erstellung thermischer Zustandsgleichungen unter Verwendung hochpräziser Potentialfunktionen Berechnung der Transporteigenschaften mittels der kinetischen Gastheorie Implementierung der ab initio Potentiale in Vielteilchensimulationen (Molekulardynamik und Monte-Carlo-Methode)Weiter ForschungsgebieteTechnische Thermodynamik, Wärme- und Stoffübertragung Physikalische und Quantenchemie, statistische Thermodynamik Klima- und Kältetechnik Experimentelle Thermophysik.


Vasyltsova, T.; Steffen, G.; Nocke, J.; Hassel, E. Zeolith/Wasser Adsorptionskälteerzeugung. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachausschüsse Mehrphasenströmungen und Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, 3. - 5. März 2009, Bad Dürkheim.
Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz, A.; Nadolny, H.; Weingärtner, H. Application of a new statistical mechanical model for calculating Kirkwood factors in self associating liquid systems to alkanol + CCl4 mixtures. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2009, 11, 2408 2419.

Vasyltsova, T.; Hassel, E.; Nocke, J.; Fritzsche, J. Adsorptionskühlung mit Zeolith/Wasser Arbeitspaar: Theoretische Untersuchung und technische Realisierung. "Termodynamik-Kolloquium und "Ingenieurdaten , 24.-26. September 2008, Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Vasiltsova T, Heintz A., Application of a new statistical mechanical model for calculating Kirkwood factors in alkanol-heptane mixtures, <cite>J. Phys. Chem. B</cite>, 2008, 112 (25), pp 7544 7554.
Bich, E.; Dzida, M.; Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz, A. Experimental and theoretical study of thermodynamic excess properties of associating liquid alkanol+4-picoline mixtures based on quantum mechanical ab initio calculations. Journal of Molecular Liquids 136(1-2), 94-103 (2007).
Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz, Andreas. A new statistical Mechanical Model for Calculating Kirkwood-Factors in Self Associating Liquid Systems: Alkanol+Cyclohexane Mixtures. J. Chem. Phys. 127, 114501 (2007).
Heintz, Andreas; Vasiltsova, T. Application of a new statistical Mechanical Model for Calculating Kirkwood-Factors in Self Associating Liquid Systems to Alkanol+Hexane and Alkanol+Pentane Mixtures. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2007,

Rogankov, V. B.; Byutner, O. G.; Bedrova, T. A.; Vasiltsova, T. V. Local phase diagram of binary mixtures in the near-critical region of solvent.
V.127, 1-3, 2006, P. 53-59.
Verevkin, Sergey P.; Bich, Eckard; Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz, Andreas; Bogel-Lukasik, Rafal; Domanska, Ursula. Thermodznamic Properties of Mixtures Containing Ionic Liquids. 7. Activity Coefficients of Aliphatic and Aromatic Esters and Benzylamine in 1-Methyl-3-ethylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl). Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data (2006), 51(1), 213-218.
Heintz, Andreas; Safarov, Javid; Bich, Eckard; Vasiltsova, T.; Verevkin, Sergey P. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data (2006), 51(2), 648-655.
Heintz, Andreas.; Verevkin, Sergey P.; Lehmann, Jochen; Vasiltsova, T.; Ondo, Daniel. Activity Coefficients at Iinfinite Dilution and Enthalpies of Solution of Methanol, 1-Butanol, and 1-Hexanol in 1-Methyl-3-Hexyl-Imidazolium Bis(trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl) Imide. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamic, 2006.
Heintz, A.; Vasiltsova, T.; A new Statistical Mechanical Model for Calculating Kirkwood-Factors in Self-Associating Liquid Systems. Abstract of Papers, Thermo International 2006, Boulder, Colorado, USA, July 30 August 4, 2006, p. 684.
Sumarschenkova, I.; Verevkin, S. P.; Vasiltsova, T.; Bich, E.; Heintz, A.; Shevelyova, M.; Kabo, G.. Experimental Study of Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures Containing Ionic Liquid 1-Ethyl-3-Methyl-Imidazolium Ethyl Sulfate Using Gas-Liquid Chromatography and Transpiration Method. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2006.

Verevkin S.P., Bich E., Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz A. Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures Containing Ionic Liquids. Activity Coefficients of Ethers and Alcohols in 1-Methyl-3-Ethyl-Imidazolium Bis(trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl) Imide Using the Transpiration Method. J. Chem. Eng. Data. - 2005. Vol. 50. - P. 142-148.
Vasiltsova, T:, Onishchenko, V.P. Benol derivatives industrial liquids: experimental and theoretical investigation of properties. Proc. 10th conference "People and Environment Odessa, 2005.- . 121-122.
Emel"yanenko V.N.; Vasiltsova, T.; Verevkin, S. P. Strength of the hydrogen bonding in the benzyl alcohol. Proc. 16. Ulm-Freiberger Kalorimetrietage. Freiberg(Germany). - 2005. - P. 101.

Verevkin S.P.; Vasiltsova, T.; Thermochemistry of Benzyl Alcohol: Reaction Equilibria Involving Benzyl Alcohol and tert-Alkyl Ethers. J. Chem. Eng Data.-2004. Vol. 49. P.1717-1723.
Vasiltsova, T. Ionic liquids as perspective class of ecologically safe industrial liquids: structure, properties, applications. Proc. 10th conference "People and Environment Odessa, 2004. . 177-178.
Verevkin S.P., Bich E., Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz A. Thermodynamic properties of mixtures containing ionic liquids. Activity coefficients of aldehydes and ketones in 1-methyl-3-ethyl-imidazolium bis(trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl) imide using the transpiration method. Fluid Phase Equilibria. - 2004. - Vol. 218/2. - P. 165-175.
Vasiltsova, T.; Onishchenko, V.P. Prediction of the Thermophysical Properties of Ionic Liquids. - 2004.- .7. - . 49-56.

Vasiltsova, T.; Kulikov, D.; Heintz, A. Gas Chromatography as Method for the Investigation of Thermodynamical Properties of Mixtures Containing Ionic Liquids. Refrigeration Technik and Technology. - 2003.- .4. - . 49-56.
Vasiltsova, T.; Onishchenko, V.P.; Heintz, A. Vapor Pressures and Activity Coefficients of Organic Compounds in Mixtures with Ionic Liquid 1-Methyl-3-Ethyl-Imidazolium bis (Triftoro-Methyl-Sulfonyl) Amid. Refrigeration Technik and Technology. 2003. - .6. - .47-55.
Verevkin S.P., Krasnykh E.L., Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz A. Determination of Ambient Temperature Vapor Pressures and Vaporization Enthalpies of Branched Ethers. J. Chem. Eng. Data. - 2003. - Vol. 48. - P. 591-599.
Verevkin S.P., Krasnykh E.L., Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz A., Koutek B., Doubsky J. Vapor Pressures and Enthalpies of Vaporization of a Series of the Linear Aliphatic Aldehydes. Fluid Phase Equilibria. - 2003. - Vol. 206. - P. 331-339.
Verevkin S.P., Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz A. Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures Containing Ionic Liquids. Activity Coefficients of Aldehydes and Ketones in 1-Methyl-3-Ethyl-Imidazolium-Bis(trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl)Amide Using Transpiration Method. Proc. 15. Ulm-Freiberger Kalorimetrietage. Freiberg (Germany). - 2003. - P. 52.
Verevkin S.P., Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz A. Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures Containing Ionic Liquids. Activity Coefficients and Mixing Enthalpies of Alcohols, Diols and Ethers in 1-Methyl-3-Ethyl-Imidazolium Bis(trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl) Imide Using Transpiration Method. Proc. 20th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics. - Bad Neuenahr (Germany). -2003. -P.113-114.
Verevkin S.P., Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz A. Thermodynamic properties of mixtures containing ionic liquids. Activity Coefficients and Mixing Enthalpies of Esters and Amines in 1-Methyl-3-Ethyl-Imidazolium Bis(trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl) Imide Using Transpiration Method. Proc. 226th ACS National Meeting. - New York (USA). - 2003. - IEC-009.
Verevkin S.P., Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz A. Comparative Study of Tert-Octyl Methyl Ether Synthesis in Some Common Solvents and in the Several Ionic Liquids. Proc. on Thermodynamics applied for environmental purposes and Thermodynamics Polisch-French Days. Warsaw(Poland). 2003. P. 85.

Verevkin S.P., Krasnykh E.L., Vasiltsova, T.; Heintz A. Vaporization Enthalpies of Benzyl Halides and Benzyl Ethers. J. Chem. Eng. Data. - 2002. - Vol. 47. - P. 1372-1378.
Vasiltsova, T.; Kulikov D.V., Heintz A., Verevkin S.P. Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures Containing Ionic Liquids. Proc.17th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics. Rostock (Germany). - 2002. - P.308.

Kesselmann, P.M.., Vasiltsova T.V. To the question of prediction the thermal conductivity of liquids. Ing. Phys. J. 1995. - V.68, 5. P. 810-814.
Quelle: Universität Rostock

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