Thailand Business Day 2011 Berlin
Wirtschaftstag Thailand 2011 Berlin
Der "Thailand Business Day 2011" aus Anlass der "Green Cities - Green Industries Conference" widmet sich den Chancen der Zusammenarbeit der Metropolen bei der Entwicklung, Förderung und Einführung moderner "grüner Industrien" in den jeweiligen Ballungsräumen. Thailand und seine Hauptstadt haben die Förderung der "green industries" sowohl zum Regierungs- als auch Stadtentwicklungsziel erklärt. Die Zusammenarbeit auf den Gebieten Klimaschutz, Umweltschutz, Wasser, Abfall, modernes urbanes Bauen, clean tech und Energie wird ausdrücklich angestrebt und gefördert. Erstes Signal in dieser Richtung ist die vom Board of Investment Thailands für den November geplante BOI Green Tech Fair.
Ort: Berliner Rathaus, Jüdenstr. 1
Zeit: Einlass 08.30 Uhr
Beginn: ca.9.15 Uhr/Ende 12.30 Uhr
Leitung und Moderation: RA Eberhard J. Trempel, Honorary Trade Advisor of Thailand and Chairman of Thailand Forum
Governor of Bangkok, H.E. Sukhumbhand Paribatra
Board of Investment of Thailand,
BOI Thailand
TCEB Thailand
Mr. Uwe Solinger
Raphaela Stricker
Gouverneur von Bangkok in Berlin
Der Governor of Bangkok, H.E. Sukhumbhand Paribatra, trifft den Chairman des Thailand Forums aus Anlass der Vorbereitungen der Asien-Pazifik-Wochen 2011 und der Besuchsreise des Governors, der auch einer direkten Einladung des Regierenden Bürgermeisters von Berlin Klaus Wowerei folgt, die er gerne angenommen hat.
BOI Thailand: Going Green 2011
Business Mission to Thailand 2011: Board of Investment of Thailand: Going Green Fair November 2011 (Bangkok)
Das thäiländische BOI veranstaltet im November 2011 erstmals die Going Green Fair in Bangkok (Programm und Einladung).
Hier die Pressenotiz: The Office of the Board of Investment will organize "BOI FAIR 2011", Thailand's largest exhibition, to be held between 10-25 November 2011 at the Impact Convention and Exhibition Center, Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok.
The main purpose of BOI FAIR 2011 will be to participate in the celebration of the 84th birthday of His Majesty the King. The event will also serve to showcase Thailand's industrial capabilities. Moreover, the Fair will provide an opportunity to enhance the image of Thailand and strengthen confidence in the country's economy, industry, and investment potential. The Office of the Board of Investment will organize "BOI FAIR 2011", Thailand's largest exhibition, to be held between 10-25 November 2011 at the Impact Convention and Exhibition Center, Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok. The main purpose of BOI FAIR 2011 will be to participate in the celebration of the 84th birthday of His Majesty the King. The event will also serve to showcase Thailand's industrial capabilities. Moreover, the Fair will provide an opportunity to enhance the image of Thailand and strengthen confidence in the country's economy, industry, and investment potential. We are delighted to invite you to join the event as an exhibitor. This Fair will be a good opportunity for you to be a part of our success. Please find enclosed, herewith, details about BOI FAIR 2011. Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the BOI FAIR 2011 Organizer Office.
BOI FAIR 2011 Organizer Office
Tel.: +66 2553 8300
Fax: +66 2553 8333
Investment Section, Royal Thai Consulate-General
Bethmannstr. 58
60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tel.: +49 69 929 123 0
Fax: +49 69 929 123 20
Ms Bussarakum Sriratana
Deputy Consul-General (Investment Section)
Office of the Hon. Trade Advisor:
030-2124860 - email: