Waste & Waste Management Forum 2011
Waste & Waste Management Forum 2011
Asia-Pacific-Weeks: "Waste & Waste Management Forum at "Green Cities Green Industries Conference"
Energy & Environment Press release from: German Global Trade Forum Berlin News PR Agency: German Global Trade Forum Berlin News Waste & Waste Management Forum at Asia-Pacific-Weeks Berlin 2011Store this image in big size(openPR) - Paris/Berlin/Qingdao/Bangkok: "Green Industries today are nearly subject of every strategic discussion since Fukoshima. So again in September 2011, when the 8th. Asia-Pacific-Weeks will start a more than 200 event programme with great international participation and a special focus on "green industries . Waste & Waste Management are among the key head lines of the weeks which started some 16 years ago on the initiative of the then-Governing Mayer of the newly united capital of Germany. One of the top conferences will be the "Green Cities Green Industries The Berlin Conference in Berlin`s city hall with the opening ceremony on September 12th. 2011. A Monday and one day after of those unforgotten days of the mankind: 9/11.
REMONDIS International and SGS Climate Change Programme, Environmental Services, among the leading companies in the market and with their keynote-speakers of the "Forum on Waste & Waste Management will demonstrate their international practises and prospects for future developments and co-operation in their specific markets.
State of the art technical solutions will be provided by high tech companies from Germany ready for international co-operation. From Vietnam a business delegation with decision makers from Hanoi, Danang, Saigon and Haiphong already registered. Bangkok and Qingdao will be presented by delegations under the guidance of their Governors or Mayors.The international conference within the frame work of the biannual Asia-Pacific-Weeks of Berlin will focus on new developments in the area of green industries and technologies. The metropolitan areas of each country are generally "gate way and "show case of a nation. This is one of the reasons for Berlin`s international business networks to concentrate more on international metropolitan cooperation in the future.
Registration is required and can be made online via email: berlin@germanglobaltrade.de.
Nina Trentmann
Nina Trentmann, Editor, Economic Dep. of "Die Welt" German daily business news. Redakteurin in der Wirtschaftsredaktion der Zeitschrift "Die Welt , WELT-Gruppe, Ressort "Wirtschaft".
Opening: ca. 11.15 hrs.
Leitung und Moderation: Nina Trentmann, Editor "Die Welt", Economic Dep, Journalistin in der Wirtschaftsredaktion der Zeitschrift "Die Welt".
11.20 hrs.
WELCOME ADDRESS by H.E. the Vice Mayor of Madgeburg Rainer Nitsche, Head of the Economic Department & International Office of Magdeburg
Speaker - among others -:
11.30 hrs. Dr. Andreas Jaron, Ministerialrat, Head of Devision WA II 1 "General Matters of Waste Management, Transboundary Movement of Waste, BMW/RETech, Federal Ministry for the Environment of Germany.
12.00 hrs. Torsten Weber, Geschäftsführung REMONDIS International GmbH,
12.30 hrs. -13.15. hrs. Lunch.
13.20 hrs. Dr. Armin Vogel, Managing Director, FAUN Expotec GmbH, Kirchhoff-FAUN Group, "Modern Waste Collection Concepts for Asia"
13.50 hrs. Michael Ludden, Sutco Recycling Technik, Member of the Board of VDMA Waste- und Recycling Technology. Press release.
14.20 hrs. Frank Eibisch, General Manager BC Berlin Consult GmbH, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter bei BC Berlin Consult
closing and final remarks.
14.40 hrs. Siddharth Yadav, Technical Director (GHG Projects) Ealing/London, SGS Climate Change Programme, Environmental Services Product Coordinator Germany. SGS is the world"s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. The profile of the company.....
15.00 hrs. coffee.
Das "Waste & Waste Management Forum Berlin"
Das "Waste & Waste Management Forum Berlin" im Rahmen der "Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Conference" widmet sich aktuellen Fragen der Entsorgungswirtschaft und modernen Technologien sowie Kooperationsansätzen, die aufgrund der in der Asien-Pazifik-Region aktiv tätigen Unternehmenssprechern derzeit die aktuelle Diskussion prägen. Gute Beispiele auf dem Gebiete des Ressourcenschutzes, der Entsorgung, Aufbereitung aber auch des Managements sind es, die nachahmen lassen, ihrerseits Beispiel geben und im Gespräch mit den Gastdelegationen die Gelegenheit bieten, neue Projekte zu entwickeln. Neben den Marktführern in Europa (REMONDIS International, SGS Group, Kirchhoff-Faun-Group, Faun Expotec GmbH) präsentieren sich Unternehmen der Branche den Teilnehmern und vor allem den aus Thailand, Vietnam, Mongolei, Myanmar, China, Middle East und Indonesien erwarteten Gästen.
English: Look at "press release"
Hinweis/Notice: Am 13.September 2011 können Sie die Delegationen aus Asien auf den Länderwirtschaftstagen im Berliner Rathaus treffen: Vietnam, Thailand, China, Mongolei und Indien.
Press Release
Asia-Pacific-Weeks: "Waste & Waste Management Forum at "Green Cities Green Industries Conference"
Energy & Environment Press release from: German Global Trade Forum Berlin News PR Agency: German Global Trade Forum Berlin News Waste & Waste Management Forum at Asia-Pacific-Weeks Berlin 2011Store this image in big size(openPR) - Paris/Berlin/Qingdao/Bangkok: "Green Industries today are nearly subject of every strategic discussion since Fukoshima. So again in September 2011, when the 8th. Asia-Pacific-Weeks will start a more than 200 event programme with great international participation and a special focus on "green industries . Waste & Waste Management are among the key head lines of the weeks which started some 16 years ago on the initiative of the then-Governing Mayer of the newly united capital of Germany. One of the top conferences will be the "Green Cities Green Industries The Berlin Conference in Berlin`s city hall with the opening ceremony on September 12th. 2011. A Monday and one day after of those unforgotten days of the mankind: 9/11.
REMONDIS International and SGS Climate Change Programme, Environmental Services, among the leading companies in the market and with their keynote-speakers of the "Forum on Waste & Waste Management will demonstrate their international practises and prospects for future developments and co-operation in their specific markets.
State of the art technical solutions will be provided by high tech companies from Germany ready for international co-operation. From Vietnam a business delegation with decision makers from Hanoi, Danang, Saigon and Haiphong already registered. Bangkok and Qingdao will be presented by delegations under the guidance of their Governors or Mayors.The international conference within the frame work of the biannual Asia-Pacific-Weeks of Berlin will focus on new developments in the area of green industries and technologies. The metropolitan areas of each country are generally "gate way and "show case of a nation. This is one of the reasons for Berlin`s international business networks to concentrate more on international metropolitan cooperation in the future.
We are sure that each of the topics are of great interest for every developing region in the world. H.E. the Governing Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit has invited e colleagues of some Asian capital cities who will be attending the conference and Asia-Pacific-Weeks.
Registration is required and can be made online via email: berlin@germanglobaltrade.de.
The final programme and additional information and updates will be provided via email as well. Participants can also access the programme on the conference pages of the "German Global Trade Forum Berlin website www.germanglobaltrade.de where you can download the registration file in pdf-format which shall be submitted to us for registration. The dynamic event will demonstrate international green projects and technologies "invented and made in Germany which are already in the realization process in Asia or short before. Since those company examples are not limited for just one region of the world, the participation will be of great interest for those countries who have already developed a national "green industries strategy . One of the key targets of this conference is networking and the establishment of new contacts and initiatives among the participants who will be expected not only form Europe, Asia and Middle East. German "green industries solutions provided are generally of interest for every region in the world with dynamic urban development.
Speakers and presenting companies of the conference are providing state of the art technologies and demonstrations of their daily practise and we are proud to introduce Europe s market leaders in some sectors like
- "Water & Water Management or
- "Waste & Waste Management .
Urban Planning & construction, new energy & energy efficiency issues, future cooling and advanced climate systems are within the scope of the "urban development forum .
A variety of expert practitioners and specialists of international reputation will focus on the following topics in the specific forums:
Forum on Urban Planning & Construction, New Energy & Cooling Solutions
Water & Water Management Forum (Veolia Water Germany, Palmetto Clean Technologies, Aquabion etc.)
Waste & Waste Management Forum
Biotech, Agro Business, Food Safety, Food processing Forum.
Among the speakers are Prof. Meinhard v. Gerkhan (gmp Architects), Prof. Bitterlich (Veolia Water International), Torsten Weber (REMONDIS International GmbH), Ralf Marohn, Far Eastern Consulting, Antje Vargas, GeoClimaDesign, Prof. Kai Mertins, IPK Fraunhofer Institut Berlin and others.
Guest delegations from Asia will have the opportunity to show up and network within the various national business day on the second day (13th. September 2011). At present the
China Business Day,
Thailand Business Day,
Vietnam Business Day,
India Business Day and
Vietnam Business Day
will take place in the City Hall while the Indonesia Business Day will be one week before.
Among the VIP-guests from Asia are among others -
H.E. the Governor of Bangkok Sukhumbhand Paribatra,
I.E. the Minister of Health Vietnam, Mrs. Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Tien,
H.E. the Mayor of Ulaan Baatar Gombosuren Munkhbayar ,
H.E. the Vice Mayor of Chengdu,
H.E. the Mayor of Shanghai Zheng Han,
H.E. the Mayor of Hanoi Nguyen The Thao,
H.E. the Vice Mayor Mrs. Hui Zhang, Standing Member of the City Committee of Qingdao and H.E. the Vice-Mayor of Qingdao Wu,
H.E. the Mayor Zhao of Zibo, Shandong Province of China,
A "Legal & Tax Forum will also be held on the second day of the conference (13.09.20119 focussing on legal and tax aspects of international investment, co-operation and trade. Intellectual property right`s issues, arbitrage, international trade, market entry and dispute regulation issues. Delegates will also have the opportunity to experience the delights of the more than 200 other event of the Asia-Pacific-Weeks in Berlin and the most attractive cultural programme managed by the House of Cultures of Berlin. An array of performances and concerts are expected and the City of Berlin looks forward to a wealth of theatrical, musical and artistic talent. To find out more on the events preceding the Conference go to www.apforum.com , the link to the website of the weeks which may attracting you so much to ask us to arrange a similar event in your own country.
Participation to the panel and forum sessions in the town hall are free of charge but require prior registration via email: berlin@germanglobaltrade.de. Please fill out the than provided registration file and fax back to (Berlin) 2185432 or 0321-212-96610 (multi massaging). To receive further information of this conference, or if you know of any colleagues or intistution who may be interested in joining us, please contact Mr. Ma Yuanying (berlin@germanglobaltrade.de , Tel. (+4930) 21248616) or Attorney at Law Martin Protze (Tel. 2124860). GERMAN GLOBAL TRADE FORUM BERLIN Conference Service, Burggrafenstr. 3, 10787 Berlin, Tel. 030-212486-0, Fax. 030-2185432 und 0321-212-96614, email: berlin@germanglobaltrade.de, Internet: www.germanglobaltrade.de Eberhard J. TrempelDirector General German Global Trade Forum Berlin Honorary Trade Advisor of Thailand in Germany
Annex: Registration File
c/o German Global Trade Forum Berlin, Ltd.
Burggrafenstr. 3D-10787 Berlin
Tel.: 030-2124-860 /
e-mail: berlin@germanglobaltrade.de
Telefax: 0321-212-96614
Location: Berlin Town Hall Dates:
12th. and 13th. September 2011 -09.-17.00 hrs
The German Global Green Industries Initiative
Registration/Notice via Fax +49302185432 or email::"Green Cities Green Industries The Berlin Conference,
12th-13th. September, Berliner Rathaus/Berlin City Hall
Yes, we would like to attend the opening ceremony with ) representatives.
Yes, we would like to attend the Urban Planning & Construction, New Energy & Green Tech Forum with ) representatives.
Yes, we would like to attend the Water & Water management with ) representatives. Yes, we would like to attend the Waste & Waste Management Forum with ) representatives.
Yes, we would like to attend the Biotech, Food, Safety and Food Processing Forum with ) representatives.
Yes, we would like to exhibit and get more information
Yes, we would like to attend the VIP-receptions
Contact Perspn:
Street/Post Code:
Telefon: Telefax:
Country: _________________,
The German Global Trade Forum (Berlin) is an international network in Berlin to promote international trade, service, investment and exchange. Beeing a typical "ngo" the Forum acts as the plattform for dialog for private and public institutions in Germany and abroad. To be successful in building a new business in a foreign culture and economic environment, your company needs partners who are familiar with the markets, people and structures of your destination country. Trustworthy partners are essential for small to medium-sizes companies that frequently do not have the resources to research foreign markets on their own.The worldwide network of German Global Trade Foum Berlin, in cooperation with the national and international agencies, offers your institution or company efficient and reliable assistance in entering foreign markets.Building high quality networks is crucial to establishing a successful business abroad. We offer our members access to a comprehensive business network in Germany and abroad. Through systematic networking on site, and up-to-date information, we help your company to be prepared for new and changing condition with other entrepreneurs.
FORUM OBJECTIVES To create a dedicated and effective forum for the development of International- German trade relations* To provide information of practical relevance for commencement and implementation of business activities world wide* To offer a platform for business relations and cooperation, including networking opportunities* To represent the interests of German or international industry when dealing with the German government or Ministries abroad.
NetworkingRegular events allow our members to get in contact with each other and gain access to the international business community. Aside from the formal annual Forum Dinner with prominent political and economic speakers, the Forum also organizes popular informal events like the "German Business & Technology Forum .LobbyingThe Forum pools its members opinions and concern and to present a united voice to Foreign and German government authorities. Within the scope of delegations, politicians are interested in a dialogue with europea enterprises on site and continually ask the Forum for support.PublicationAll our members receive one copy of the "Membership Directory , our bi-monthly economic magazine "Business Forum and our bi-monthly Forum magazine "German Global Trade News .
Service In cooperation with the Foreign Ministries of Economic and Trade, Chambers of Industry and Commerce a.others the Forum provides its members with many services for special situations. Office openings, contact conclusion, personal recruitment, organization of delegation trips and fairs, translation services, and visa matters are all areas where the Delegation offers assistance. Additionally, members can use our website for job offers and advertisement. Members receive discount prices up 50% on most services!Community EventsWe provide the International Community with a platform to interact and get in contact with each other. The German Global Trade Forum is a strong community with strong partners and very effective contacts. Our partners and members provide special offers to our members.Information for companies GermanyThe Forum is actively involved in organizing events in Germany, and provides systematic and practice- relevant information on the opportunities and risks of doing business in all jurisdictions abroad.
Burggrafenstr. 3
10787 Berlin
Tel. 030-212486-0
Fax. 030-2185432
email: berlin@germanglobaltrade.de
Internet: www.germanglobaltrade.de