Lübeck Food & Safety City

Lübeck, harbour city and one of the northern gateways to Germany is a city of the HANSE. Center of innovation, medicine, food, food production & related services.

Bernd Saxe

Bernd Saxe, Mayor of Lübeck, will open the Forum and present Lübeck as one of the centers of modern food production & services.

Bernd Saxe ist
Bürgermeister und Leiter des Fachbereiches 1 der Hansestadt Lübeck. Bürgermeister Bernd Saxe ist der erste direkt gewählte Bürgermeister der Hansestadt Lübeck. Die Amtszeit beträgt sechs Jahre.
Saxe ist gelernter Industriekaufmann und Diplom-Sozialwirt. Er arbeitete rund zehn Jahre als Geschäftsführer einer Partei in Lübeck und war ab 1992 zwei Legislaturperioden lang Mitglied des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landtages.


Lübeck Business Promotion

Business Development Lübeck

Lübeck Business Promotion Agency

Lübeck - The City

The city of Lübeck is a gateway in northern Germany...

foodregio - the lübeck network


Foodregio - the north German network in the food business

Food Service, Biotech

IPK Fraunhofer Institut Berlin

IPK Fraunhofer Institute

IPK Fraunhofer Institute is the innovative hub for production and contruction in Germany and world wide

IGV Institute für Getreideverarbeitung GmbH

IGV Potsdam - Biotech Innovation

IGV - Institut für Getreideverarbeitung GmbH, Potdam, a Biotech Innovation Center in Germany is...

The Purkian Group

Pourkian Group

The Pourkian Group in food processing and management services operates in Asia & Europe with a focus on China and...


Rudolf Baader GmbH & Co

Baader or "Norddeutsche Maschinenbau" GmbH & Co KG: A tradition of Germany and among the market leader in fish or chicken....

Jürgen Löhrke GmbH, Lübeck

Jürgen Löhrke GmbH

Jürgen Löhrke GmbH is member of the eco-net Lübeck and in the water business

IGV Institute für Getreideverarbeitung GmbH

IGV Potsdam - Biotech Innovation

IGV - Institut für Getreideverarbeitung GmbH, Potdam, a Biotech Innovation Center in Germany is...


A new concept - "Bioline"

Speaker - Sprecher

The speaker of the biotech, food, food safety & food processing forum represent Lübeck`s well known foodregio network and strategic partners such as the IPK Fraunhofer Institute of Prof. Dr. Kai Mertins, Berlin

Opening Ceremony 2011

Berlin City Hall

German Global Trade Forum Berlin

German Global Trade Forum Berlin

German Global Trade Forum Berlin

Veolia Wasser GmbH

Veolia Wasser GmbH

Veolia Wasser GmbH

Green Cities-Green Industries - The B erlin Conference

Graf von Westphalen

Trempel & Associates



Trempel & Associates Law and Tax Firm Berlin

German Energy Center & College

German Energy Center & College

German Energy Center & College


HTA of Thailand

Fraunhofer IPK

IPK Fraunhofer Institut Berlin

IPK Fraunhofer Institut Berlin

Green Cities-Green Industries-The Berlin Conference

von Gerkan, Mark & Partner

Far Eastern Beratungs- und Handelsgesellschaft

Far Eastern Beratungs- und Handels GmbH

Far Eastern Beratungs- und Handels GmbH

Moeser & Coll.


German Energy Agency

German Energy Agency


Remondis International GmbH

REMONDIS International GmbH

REMONDIS International GmbH

Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Conference

Faun Group







GeoClimaDesign AG