Lübeck Food & Safety City
Lübeck, harbour city and one of the northern gateways to Germany is a city of the HANSE. Center of innovation, medicine, food, food production & related services.
Bernd Saxe
Bernd Saxe, Mayor of Lübeck, will open the Forum and present Lübeck as one of the centers of modern food production & services.
Bernd Saxe ist Bürgermeister und Leiter des Fachbereiches 1 der Hansestadt Lübeck. Bürgermeister Bernd Saxe ist der erste direkt gewählte Bürgermeister der Hansestadt Lübeck. Die Amtszeit beträgt sechs Jahre.
Saxe ist gelernter Industriekaufmann und Diplom-Sozialwirt. Er arbeitete rund zehn Jahre als Geschäftsführer einer Partei in Lübeck und war ab 1992 zwei Legislaturperioden lang Mitglied des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landtages.
Lübeck Business Promotion Agency
The city of Lübeck is a gateway in northern Germany...
Foodregio - the north German network in the food business
Food Service, Biotech
IPK Fraunhofer Institute is the innovative hub for production and contruction in Germany and world wide
IGV - Institut für Getreideverarbeitung GmbH, Potdam, a Biotech Innovation Center in Germany is...
The Pourkian Group in food processing and management services operates in Asia & Europe with a focus on China and...
Baader or "Norddeutsche Maschinenbau" GmbH & Co KG: A tradition of Germany and among the market leader in fish or chicken....
Jürgen Löhrke GmbH is member of the eco-net Lübeck and in the water business
IGV - Institut für Getreideverarbeitung GmbH, Potdam, a Biotech Innovation Center in Germany is...
A new concept - "Bioline"
The speaker of the biotech, food, food safety & food processing forum represent Lübeck`s well known foodregio network and strategic partners such as the IPK Fraunhofer Institute of Prof. Dr. Kai Mertins, Berlin