Water Forum Berlin 2011

Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Confe

Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Confe

12.September 2011, Berlin Town Hall

Water Forum Berlin in Asia-Pacific-Weeks: "German Water Industry meets Asia and the World
Venue: "Green Cities Green Industries The Berlin Conference
Location: Berlin Town Hall - Forum Time: ca.11.00 hrs. (depending on opening ceremony)
Dates of the Conference: 12th. and 13th. September 2011 -09.-17.00 hrs

From the press relaese: "Berlin/Bangkok/Chengdu/Qingdao/Paris/: "Green industries initiatives are growing and the metropolitan cities in Europe compete for international recognition to be one of the leaders of future developments. Berlin starts up and intensifies her networking in the green tech sector world wide. The Asia-Pacific-Weeks 2011, since 1997 the international biannual meeting point for global businesses and networkers No. 1 in Europe will make this start up competitive. Among the more than 200 mayor events on politics, culture, society and business, the "Green Cities Green Industries The Berlin Conference (12th.-and 13th. September 2011 in Berlin City Hall/Berliner Rathaus) offers strategic visions and a network of business contacts to the markets of the future not only in Asia but also world wide. Waste & Waste Management, Agro Business, Food Processing, Biotech, Food Safety, Urban Planning and Construction, New Energy & Energy Efficiency and selected country forums with high ranking participation from China, Thailand, Vietnam, Mongolia and India will be once again an unique opportunity to make new business contacts or develop new projects. One of the top forums is the "Water & Water Management Forum (12.09.2011) with the strong participation of international network of Berlin based Veolia Wasser GmbH."


Water & Water Management

Water & Water Management
Das "Wasser & Wasser-Management Forum" am 12. September 2011 im Berliner Rathaus widmet sich sowohl dem gemeinsamen Betrieb von Anlagen als auch Fragen "Wissenschaft, Forschung, Technologie" rund um das Wasser. Internationale Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete des Managements, des Betriebs von Gemeinschaftsunternehmen im Ausland werden durch die Marktführer auf diesem Gebiet sowie Technologieunternehmen und Projekte dokumentiert, die nicht nur beispielhaft sind, sondern anregen.

Veolia Wasser Deutschland, strategisch im Bereichd er "Green Industries" seit Jahren aufgestellt und großer Unterstützer sowohl der Konferenz als auch der Asien-Pazifik-Wochen insgesamt gehört zu den Schwergewichten der Veranstaltung, die aufgrund des erwarteten Besuchs vieler Delegationen aus dem In- und Ausland, zu einem Highlight der "Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Conference" werden wird. Neue Technologien und Systemansätze sind nicht nur für die Asien-Pazifik-Region von Interesse.
Hinweis/Notice: Am 13.September 2011 können Sie die Delegationen aus Asien auf den Länderwirtschaftstagen im Berliner Rathaus treffen: Vietnam, Thailand, China, Mongolei und Indien.

The event

The international conference within the frame work of the biannual Asia-Pacific-Weeks of Berlin will focus on new developments in the area of green industries and technologies. The metropolitan areas of each country are generally "gate way and "show case of a nation. This is one of the reasons for Berlin`s international business networks to concentrate more on international metropolitan cooperation in the future. We are sure that each of the topics are of great interest for every developing region in the world. H.E. the Governing Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit has invited e colleagues of some Asian capital cities who will be attending the conference and Asia-Pacific-Weeks.
Registration is required and can be made online via email: berlin@germanglobaltrade.de. The final programme and additional information and updates will be provided via email as well. Participants can also access the programme on the conference pages of the "German Global Trade Forum Berlin website www.germanglobaltrade.de where you can download the registration file in pdf-format which shall be submitted to us for registration.

The event will present international green projects and technologies "invented and made in Germany which are already in the realization process in Asia or short before. Since those company examples are not limited for just one region of the world, the participation will be of great interest for those countries who have already developed a national "green industries strategy .

One of the key targets of this conference is networking and the establishment of new contacts and initiatives among the participants who will be expected not only form Europe, Asia and Middle East. German "green industries solutions provided are generally of interest for every region in the world with dynamic urban development. Speakers and presenting companies of the conference are providing state of the art technologies and demonstrations of their daily practise and we are proud to introduce Europe s market leaders in some sectors like "Water & Water Management or "Waste & Waste Management . Urban Planning & construction, new energy & energy efficiency issues, future cooling and advanced climate systems are within the scope of the "urban development forum .

Berlin City Hall

Veolia Wasser GmbH

Veolia Wasser GmbH

Veolia Wasser GmbH

Green Cities-Green Industries - The B erlin Conference


KompentenzZentrum Wasser

KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin GmbHg

KompetenzZentrum Wasser Berlin GmbHg

Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Conference

German Global Trade Forum Berlin

German Global Trade Forum Berlin

German Global Trade Forum Berlin

Graf von Westphalen

Trempel & Associates



Trempel & Associates Law and Tax Firm Berlin

German Energy Center & College

German Energy Center & College

German Energy Center & College


HTA of Thailand

Fraunhofer IPK

IPK Fraunhofer Institut Berlin

IPK Fraunhofer Institut Berlin

Green Cities-Green Industries-The Berlin Conference

von Gerkan, Mark & Partner

Far Eastern Beratungs- und Handelsgesellschaft

Far Eastern Beratungs- und Handels GmbH

Far Eastern Beratungs- und Handels GmbH

Moeser & Coll.


German Energy Agency

German Energy Agency


Remondis International GmbH

REMONDIS International GmbH

REMONDIS International GmbH

Green Cities - Green Industries - The Berlin Conference

Faun Group







GeoClimaDesign AG